Saturday, February 15, 2014

Benjamin turning 8

Hard to believe my little boy is 8 I can remember when he was born, this is very hard on us to follow through but being a parent isn't always easy, but being a kid they need to celebrate so thanks to my great friend Erin helping we pulled off a party for him.

Friday, February 14, 2014

A loved one

We lost our beloved Doug a father, brother, son, uncle, brother in law, and best friend to us all. He has been fighting an awful illness for awhile. Words can't express what everyone is feeling, Shock and denial is probably the closest. Our heart is so broken. He loved his wife, children, brothers, sister, mom, and all of his nieces, nephews and life. Life of the party. Anybody that knew him has great stories and memories of him. LOVE YOU DOUG!!!! You will be greatly missed!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Storm

WOW!! I never we would get this kind of weather in Niceville, Fl. It was experience that we all enjoyed the kids missed school for 3 days due to this crazy weather, roads, bridges, and businesses were all closed.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Exciting time

Taylor rode with Beverly to Mindys due to she had an dr. appt. to find out what she was having and I'm excited to say another grandson (Beckham Jay) due in June. Everyone is thrilled. Taylor has flew home from Nashville to Panama City for the first time alone. She loved it.
19 weeks

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

NHS softball tryouts

What a way to start 3rd semester in High School, Taylor had softball tryouts she has worked hard all summer, 1st & 2nd semester for this moment. She has been playing since she was 5 yrs. old for the city league tried out for Ruckel and travel ball but everyone judged her for her size, but she never gave up trying. Softball is her passion her dream is to play for high school and then college. Well need to say she and Savannah made the team. We cried all the way home, were extremely proud of her.  Found out on Jan. 10 that she made the JV team.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Years

We traveled into La. stayed at the camp, we also took the kids to their first SAINTS game in the super dome. SAINTS vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers 42-17 especially when we won. Benjamin was interested in the Sensation dancers.