Thursday, April 25, 2013

Evening of the Arts

The Annual event at Benjamin's school.
Benjamin showing off his creative artwork from Oval Art, I decorated his classroom for the event.
Mrs. Newton's Explorers. He his an amazing artist! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Crosscountry/ Track & Field
Tay, Rebecca,  Reagan, and Camille competing in a meet!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Tay got her braces on when she was in 5th grade and got them off in 9th grade. This is a pic with and without braces.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sawyer's 1st Birthday

Hooray Sawyer turning 1!!

We celebrated at his house in Nashville, Tn. His theme was Sock Monkey, his parents did an amazing job decorating for his party. Lots of friends and family was included such as PawPaw Bennie, he boiled crawfish for everyone, he did a great job very tasty. MawMaw, Granny, PawPaw Kyte, Aunt Jessica, cousin Owen and future cousin Annabelle, Aunt Tay, Uncle Benjamin, Hillary, and lastly the guest of honor SAWYER.

Beach Day with friends

Tay and her friends (Camille and Rebecca), enjoyed a beautiful day at the beach, they had a lot of fun.