Sunday, June 23, 2013

Nashville Zoo

We spent the day at the Nashville Zoo, it was a very nice. Its funny both of the boys love animals.

 Loved the petting area!

 Finished the evening with the family eating out at one of Barry & Mindy's restaurant that they like. COOL atmosphere.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day at Nashville Shores

Our Annual Father's Day trip
This year we decided to go to Nashville Shores in Tennessee, we were excited that Doug and his family joined us. The dads enjoyed opening their gifts, kids had fun at the water park, boat riding (that was interested), our boat wasn't the greatest. Benjamin caught his first fish, Barry really had a great time fishing. The dogs even had their own space some wasn't crazy about it.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hanging with Friends

Taylor, Grace, Rebecca, Parish, & Benjamin enjoy doing crazy things and poses even in the hot tub. Some of their faces are cute but some are SCARY!!!