Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School

OMG! We have a high schooler in the house, Taylor is a freshman at Niceville High School. And she is growing up way to fast. A lot of milestones upcoming up. Benjamin is starting 2nd grade at Plew he's growing up too fast as well. What's funny his teacher is the wife of Tays principal.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

High School Orientation

WOW! Taylor a a freshman in high school. The night of it with her and friends.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Justin Bieber Concert

Tricia & I took the kids to a JB concert in Atlanta, Ga. Cody Simpson and Ariana opened up for him. It was a last minute trip. We had great seats and alot of fun. He really puts on a good concert. We also, took the kids to a arcade and we ran into Ludacrus.